Discover the ultimate loyalty and convenient payment platform in Vietnam with the OneU: Thanh toán & nhận ưu đãi app from VinID. Seamlessly designed for a stylish, optimized, and smart lifestyle, OneU brings you exclusive benefits like earning points for every transaction, enjoying countless privileges from top brands, booking Green SM taxis with attractive deals, ordering food easily, accessing event tickets, and making cashless payments at over 1 million stores and on the app. Experience a new level of convenience and perks by downloading or updating OneU app now!
Features of OneU: Thanh toán & nhận ưu đãi:
- Loyalty Rewards Program: OneU offers a seamless experience for earning and redeeming points on every transaction, making it easy for users to enjoy exclusive rewards and discounts from top brands.
- Exclusive Offers: Users can access a wide range of exclusive deals and valuable benefits from leading retailers, ensuring they get the best value for their money.
- Convenient Services: From booking a ride with Xanh SM to ordering food effortlessly, OneU simplifies daily tasks and enhances convenience for users.
- Entertainment Options: With a platform for purchasing event tickets and exploring entertainment options, OneU keeps users engaged and entertained.
Tips for Users:
- Maximize Point Accrual: Engage with the app regularly to earn points on every transaction and take advantage of various rewards and discounts.
- Explore Exclusive Deals: Keep an eye out for exclusive offers and promotions from top brands to save money and enjoy unique benefits.
- Utilize Convenient Services: Take advantage of services like booking a ride or ordering food to streamline your daily activities and save time.
- Discover Entertainment Events: Use the app to discover and purchase tickets for exciting events and entertainment activities to enhance your leisure time.
Experience the ultimate convenience and rewards with OneU: Thanh toán & nhận ưu đãi, the leading customer loyalty and payment platform in Vietnam. With seamless transactions, exclusive offers, and a range of convenient services, OneU enhances your lifestyle and ensures smart and stylish living. Download or update the OneU app now to start enjoying a host of benefits and make your everyday tasks a breeze.
Additional APP Information
Package Name
Vingroup Joint Stock Company