Discover the ultimate shopping companion with the Dollar General-Digital Coupons! Join myDG® to unlock exclusive deals, rewards, and bonuses that will keep your wallet happy. Easily explore all the benefits of myDG® for additional savings, including your own digital wallet to organize your coupons and cashback offers. Stay on budget with the convenient Cart Calculator, create your shopping list, and browse through weekly ads to score the best deals at Dollar General. From groceries and party supplies to cleaning essentials and pet care, the Dollar General App has everything you need at unbeatable prices. Download Dollar General-Digital Coupons now and start saving on your next shopping trip!
Features of Dollar General-Digital Coupons:
- Exclusive Deals and Rewards: Join myDG® to earn special deals, rewards, and bonuses.
- Digital Coupons: Save on hundreds of items every week with digital coupons.
- Cart Calculator: Easily track your in-store budget to help you save money as you shop.
- Shopping List: Keep track of your checklist and add coupons to your myDG® Wallet for easy access.
- Weekly Ads: Stay updated on what’s on sale at your local store.
- Wide Variety of Products: From groceries and party supplies to cleaning supplies and pet products, Dollar General has everything you need at affordable prices.
- Is the Dollar General App free to download and use?
- How can I join myDG® to start earning rewards?
- Can I use digital coupons for online orders?
- Does the app have a feature to scan DG Cash in store?
- How often are new deals and coupons added to the app?
With the Dollar General-Digital Coupons, you can easily access exclusive deals, save money with digital coupons, and stay organized with the shopping list and cart calculator features. Whether you're shopping for groceries, party supplies, cleaning products, or pet essentials, Dollar General has you covered. Download Dollar General-Digital Coupons today and start saving on all your shopping needs!
Additional APP Information
Package Name
Dolgencorp, LLC